A.1 Lab Report
Investigation 1:
For this lab, we were to rip pieces of paper and place them in a glass plate. Nothing happened and no reactions took place.
Investigation 2:
For this lab, we were to set the pieces of paper on fire. We predicted that the paper will be set on fire and then burn to ashes, but once we actually lit the paper on fire with the lighter, we realized that the paper only burned and wouldn’t turn into ashes.
Investigation 3:
For this lab, we added ammonia to the universal indicator, which turned the substance from green to purple. Afterwards, we added vinegar to Universal Indicator and it turned red. Before we began, we predicted that the substances will either foam or change color, so our prediction was pretty precise.
Investigation 4:
For this lab, we were to mix the 2 substances; we predicted that the combination would either change colors or foam and we were somewhat correct. When we mixed together the ammonia and universal indicator mixture and the vinegar and universal indicator mixture, the product was orange.
Investigation 5:
We predicted that when we crushed the blue crystals they would just turn into powder. After crushing them we realized that they did become powder.
Investigation 6:
For this investigation, we predicted that putting the powder into the crucible would make it a liquid substance. We were wrong, but the powder expanded since its original weight was .73 grams and it grew to be 9.37 grams. The powder also turned white.
Investigation 7:
We predicted that the candle (weighing 11.84 grams) would melt completely when on the hot plate, and harden while cooling off. In our experiment, the outer edges of the candle melted inwards rapidly until the entire thing was liquid.
Investigation 8:
Here, we saw that the tea candles weigh 11.84g each. For this investigation, we had to light a candle on fire. We predicted that the candle would melt only around the wick, which is exactly what happened. Once the flame was extinguished, the candle started to harden again.
Investigation 9:
For this lab, we had to pour 5 drops of vinegar in some baking soda. We predicted that the substance would foam once the vinegar was added, which is exactly what happened.
Investigation 12:
For this lab, we were to add 50ml of water to a cylinder and place 2 different sets of 10 metal objects inside to see how the volume of the water was affected. We measured that the mass of 10 pennies was 24.97g, the starting water volume was 50ml, the water volume with the pennies inside was 53ml, and the water volume with the nails inside was 52ml. We predicted that the volume and level of the water would rise once the metal objects were placed inside, which were exactly what happened.
Investigation 13:
For this lab, we had to place a nail in blue solution and see is anything happened to the nail. We predicted that the nail would just turn blue, but instead a pink, copper-like coating appeared around the part of the nail that was in the blue solution.
Analyzing Evidence:
We collected quantitative data in investigations 6, 7, 8, and 12.
The density of post-1982 pennies is 7.2 g per ml, as they are 97.6% zinc and 2.4% copper.
Interpreting Evidence and Making Claims:
At Station A, the burning of the paper pieces created some ash. Our observations support this, as we literally saw the paper burn and flake off some ashes. When adding the ammonia to the vinegar, it must have created a new substance because it wasn’t either just ammonia or just vinegar, but it’s own combination of the two. I don’t think that the treatment of the crystals created a new substance because nothing was added or taken away from the crystal; it may have changed form and color but it was still the original crystal. The burning tea light took time to observe as it continued burning but, eventually, the melting tea candle wax turned into a hot liquid. In investigation 9, we predicted that the substance would foam once the vinegar was; we had already known the previous experience what would happen if we would add vinegar. In investigation 13, we predicted that the nail would turn blue because the liquid was blue. But, what we didn't realize is that it was copper so it would turn pink.

Masses & Volumes
We predict that nothing significant at all will happen when the paper is ripped and placed on the glass plate
Nothing happened when the paper was ripped on the glass=
We think that the paper will turn to ashes when set on fire
Once lit on fire the paper just burned but didn’t turn to ashes
We just think that the various substances in the test tubes will either foam or change colors once the extra substance is added
When Ammonia was added to the universal indicator, the substance changed from green to purple. Once vinegar was added to the universal indicator, the substance changed from green to red
We think that once the 2 substances are mixed, it will get hot
Nothing happened to the substances once mixed
The crystal would become powder.
The crystal became powder.
Powder Mass before Hot Plate: .73
Powder Mass after Hot Plate: 9.37
It will become a liquid substance.
It remained powder, but turned white and became heavier.
Candle Mass: 11.84g
Candle will completely melt on hot plate then harden when taken off
On hot plate, candle wax melted starting from the outside, until the whole thing was melted (pre-candle explosion)
Candle Mass: 11.84g
Candle will melt around the wick
Candle melted around wick when lit, but gradually hardened once the flame was extinguished
The substance will foam once the vinegar’s added
The substance foamed when the vinegar was added
Penny Mass: 24.97g
Water Volume: 50ml
Water Volume w/Pennies: 53ml
Water Volume w/Nails: 52ml
The volume and level of the water will rise when metal objects are placed inside
The volume and level of the water rose when metal objects are placed inside
We think the nail will turn blue.
The part of the nail in the liquid turned pink
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