Wednesday, June 18, 2014

WELCOME -Beinvenidos-Be'ruchim Ha'ba'im-Chosh Oomadin

Hey there,
My name is Abi and I am going to tell you a little bit about my experience in previous science classes. Last year I had taken Biology with Michelle Amos. That was a fun class and an interesting subject, but honestly it was quite difficult. In the eighth grade I was in Mr. Edelen's Class, learning about engineering and coding for robots! That was very hard, but I received my best grade out of every final I have ever taken! Now, going back to the seventh grade, my teacher was Mr. Rector. He was an absolutely amazing teacher and I loved learning about evolution and natural selection with him, as this subject was in fact very interesting. this is my blog! Sit back, relax, go grab some Starbucks, and scroll through. Make sure to comment any ideas, thoughts, or questions.

Thank You!
Forever and Always,

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