Monday, June 30, 2014

Section C

11. They exist as minerals because they are oxidized.

12. a. We used the textbook given. b.Check with your teacher/instructor. c.No, the textbook was given to us in class.

13. The textbook is consistently reliable because it was given to us by our teacher.

14.The product will be completely inaccurate, and the entire lab will be ruined.

15. 602,000,000,000,000

16. a. 38 b.48 c.100 d.80

17. They have different masses.

18. a.1 mole b. 19.55 grams tenth of a mole

19. 91.7% Cu 8.3% Ni

20. a.257.81 grams b. 263.74c grams c.100.09 grams

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