Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Unit 1 A.7, A.8, A.9, A.10


12. a. Hydrogen (3) Phosphorus (1) Oxygen (4) b. Sodium (1) Oxygen (1) Hydrogen (1) c. Sulfer (1) Oxygen (2)

13. a. Metal b. Non-Metal c. Non-metal d. Metal

14. Silicon (Si) and Germanium (Gi)

15. The nickel is malleable so I would expect the nickel to flatten and bend instead of shatter.

16. 1. Non-metals shatter easily, so they cannot be bent like wires. 2. They do not react with acids.

17. 1. Metals are shiny, giving coins their right, nice appearance. 2. They do not shatter easily like             non-metals. 3. Metals are also very tough and durable which is important for a coin.

Thank You!
Forever and Always,

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